III Congreso Mundial de usuarios ISIS

14/09/2008 a 16/09/2008

Rodrigo Senra

Consultor  - Brasil

Rodrigo Senra acts as a consultant for BIREME.

Since 1996, he works for GPr Sistemas at Campinas/SP-Brazil holding the position of senior Software Architect and Lead Developer.
He has earned a Computer Engineer degree and MSc in Computer Science degree from the Institute of Computing at the State University of Campinas (UNICAMP), where he is presently a PhD student.
Last but no least, he is an enthusiast of the free software and open source movements. For such community, Rodrigo has already given more than 40 speeches at workshops and seminar in Brazil, and a couple overseas.

BVS-Agenda - V2.0
2008 | BIREME - Centro Latino Americano e do Caribe em Informação em Ciências da Saúde