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Regional Coordination Meetings of the Virtual Health Library

IV Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL
previous of the CRICS 7 / ICML9 - Salvador, Brasil, 19-20 september, 2005

III Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL
previous of the CRICS 6 - Puebla, México, 5-6 May, 2003

II Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL
previous of the CRICS 5 - La Habana, Cuba, 23-24 april, 2001

Conference of the Latin American and Caribbean VHL
Parallel to ICML8 - London, UK, 4 July, 2000

I Regional Coordination Meeting of the VHL
Washington, D.C. USA - Nov. 30 - Dec. 3, 1999

VI Reunión del Sistema Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud
previo al CRICS 4 - San José Costa Rica, 23-24 marzo, 1998

V Reunión del Sistema Latinoamericano y del Caribe de Información en Ciencias de la Salud
previo al CRICS 3 - Rio de Janeiro, 14-15 octubre, 1996